Do you like this poem? - broiled brisket
Oh, what a celebration it will be
I serve the traditional
In exactly two forty-five,
Pate 'with a number of peas,
A little hot soup, then or sorbet
Oh, what a celebration it will be
So I do not fish, not fish not to
A dish of leeks and red onions,
In exactly two forty-five,
After the beef from Kansas City,
Breast smoking yesterday
Oh, what a celebration it will be
The baker put something sweet
Flowers for the package center,
Punctually at a quarter to three,
Ready to wash roasting, frying and heat
Stir, stir, melt, mix and mash
Oh, what a celebration it will be
Punctually at a quarter to three,
Broiled Brisket Do You Like This Poem?
11:58 PM
See exactly one quarter to three. =) I loved the poem.
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